Hypocrisy of the Propaganda Film|Tetsuhide Yamaoka

Hypocrisy of the Propaganda Film|Tetsuhide Yamaoka

The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue

On the contrary, these scholars actively support anti-Japanese activists and organizations by engaging in subterfuge such as expansively redefining the terms, "sex slave" and "coercive recruitment". Their hypocrisy has undermined any solution. As a consequence, the dispute seems destined simply to continue on forever.

Selective Acknowledgement of the Facts

By the way, Yoshiaki Yoshimi, the main advocate of the viewpoint that comfort women were sex slaves, once wrote:

In Korea or Taiwan, there was no evidence that government authorities forcibly took the women away. Also there seemed to be no cases in which women were gathered and forced to be comfort women in the name of the Women's Volunteer Corps. […]

But in the other occupied areas, such as China, Southeast Asia and the South Sea Islands, there were cases that government authorities forcibly took the women away." Thirty Truths and Falsehoods about the 'Comfort Women, by Yoshiaki Yoshimi, (Otsuki Shoten, 1997, in Japanese.)

That is to say, in Korea and Taiwan where the laws were effectively applied and people were well-governed, there was no forcible recruitment of women. However, some disorder and crime was recorded in other areas.

Nevertheless, if people without any knowledge of the issue read the inscription on the comfort women statue mentioned above, they would imagine the Japanese military systematically barged into houses at will and forcibly took the women away to be sex slaves. The inscriptions are far from Yoshimi's theory and complete falsehoods which merit rebuttal.

A disgusting routine began in the film. First, activists like Dezaki appeared and derided those who raised objections to the "sex slave" theory, using labels such as "revisionist" or "denialist". Then academics like Yoshimi and Hayashi put forth endorsements supporting the activists.

Both Yoshimi and Hayashi acknowledge the comfort women system on the Korean peninsula was created against the backdrop of a traditional Korean Confucian feudal system in which men were absolutely superior to women and there were no women's rights. Certainly, it was not a situation created by the Japanese military alone.


韓国で「尹大統領支持」急増の理由 | 柳錫春・閔庚旭

韓国で「尹大統領支持」急増の理由 | 柳錫春・閔庚旭

弾劾無効と不正選挙の徹底検証を訴える声が韓国社会に大きなうねりを巻き起こしている。いま韓国で何が起きているのか? 韓国の外交・安保に生じた空白は今後、日韓関係にどのような影響を及ぼすのか? 韓国政治に精通する柳錫春元延世大学教授と、公明選挙大韓党の閔庚旭代表が緊急独占対談で語り合った。

韓国でも報じられない「尹錫悦大統領弾劾裁判」の真実 | 康容碩

韓国でも報じられない「尹錫悦大統領弾劾裁判」の真実 | 康容碩








アメリカは強い日本を望んでいるのか? 弱い日本を望んでいるのか?|山岡鉄秀

アメリカは強い日本を望んでいるのか? 弱い日本を望んでいるのか?|山岡鉄秀








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