Hypocrisy of the Propaganda Film|Tetsuhide Yamaoka

Hypocrisy of the Propaganda Film|Tetsuhide Yamaoka

The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue

Author: Tetsuhide Yamaoka

President of the Australia-Japan Community Network Inc.

The Ideological Environment of Sophia University

『主戦場 The Main Battleground of The Comfort Women Issue』

Recently I heard an interesting piece of news.

Early in April, a woman claiming to promote certain films visited a small theater in Hokkaido. She told the manager, "This film is very popular in Tokyo now - everyone is talking about it. You should show it here, too."

The woman was Soon-hi Seok, an associate professor at Tomakomai Komazawa University. She was promoting the film titled, The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue, by Miki Dezaki.

Soon-hi Seok had published a book titled, The Historical Bond Between Koreans and the Ainu (Jurousha, in Japanese, 2017). In it, she shared her perspective, arguing "The Koreans forcibly taken to Japan don't have Japanese nationality. They are given neither equal opportunities nor equal rights. Their survival is in peril."

On April 13, Asahi Family Digital published a long interview with Dezaki, director of the film, The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue, He said,

I was a YouTuber. But when I uploaded a movie titled, Racism in Japan, a lot of Japanese online right-wingers were angry, and they severely attacked me.








アメリカは強い日本を望んでいるのか? 弱い日本を望んでいるのか?|山岡鉄秀

アメリカは強い日本を望んでいるのか? 弱い日本を望んでいるのか?|山岡鉄秀


Does The U.S. want Japan to be strong or weak? |Tetsuhide Yamaoka

Does The U.S. want Japan to be strong or weak? |Tetsuhide Yamaoka

J.D. Vance, the officially nominated vice-presidential candidate, declared in his speech at the Republican convention that he would 'not tolerate free rides from U.S. allies'. This is reminiscent of how Trump once voiced that Japan was taking a free ride on the US-Japan Security Treaty.
















芸人にして、日本屈指のコレクターでもある、なべやかん。 そのマニアックなコレクションを紹介する月刊『Hanada』の好評連載「なべやかん遺産」がますますパワーアップして「Hanadaプラス」にお引越し! 今回は「自分の家でしか見た事がないコレクション」!


