
【통곡의 수기】문재인에 “대참패”, 진실을 잃은 나라의 비극(【慟哭の手記】文在寅に「大惨敗」、真実を喪失した国の悲劇)|변희재(邊熙宰)

【통곡의 수기】문재인에 “대참패”, 진실을 잃은 나라의 비극(【慟哭の手記】文在寅に「大惨敗」、真実を喪失した国の悲劇)|변희재(邊熙宰)

문재인 정권의 '역사적 대승리'로 끝난 한국 총선. 우한폐렴의 영향이 지적되고 있지만, 과연 그럴까 -. '한국 보수 대참패'의 뒤에 있는 '진실'을 잃은 나라의 비극

Darkness of child abduction business continued Here are the "Villains" who killed the Hague Convention|Yoshiko Ikeda

Darkness of child abduction business continued Here are the "Villains" who killed the Hague Convention|Yoshiko Ikeda

Second Special Scoop:Why Japan has become known as the child abduction nation. So-called human rights lawyers and other proponents solicit parental child abduction and have been pulling the strings behind the scenes of this issue. their methods to neutralise the Hague Convention are uncovered in this edition.

 Darkness of child abduction business|Nozomi Makino

Darkness of child abduction business|Nozomi Makino

In Japan today, parental child abductions occur on a daily basis, and false DV claims are fabricated to justify them. A father, whose child was abducted, accuses so-called "human rights groups" of defamation. His case shows their fraudulent business in quite some detail. Their dirty tricks are finally revealed!

The identity of VANK|Fumiaki Yamasaki

The identity of VANK|Fumiaki Yamasaki

At present, "influence operations" is gaining the attention of intelligence agencies all over the world. However, it is not well known that Japan has been exposed to such attacks for many years. Fumiaki Yamasaki reveals the propaganda of Korea's largest anti-Japanese organization, "VANK".

문재인 대통령, 선거 개입의 "전과"(文在寅大統領に選挙介入の"前科")|변희재(邊熙宰)

문재인 대통령, 선거 개입의 "전과"(文在寅大統領に選挙介入の"前科")|변희재(邊熙宰)

"문재인 정권은 울산 시장과 같은 공직자의 선거 뿐만 아니라, 독립적인 민간 단체에까지 개입하고, 반대자나 보수파, 반공파들을 경찰과 검찰의 수사, 정부기관의 감사를 사용하고 섬멸시키고 있다. 보도되지 않는 문재인의 ‘전과’를 고발한다!

Hypocrisy of the Propaganda Film|Tetsuhide Yamaoka

Hypocrisy of the Propaganda Film|Tetsuhide Yamaoka

The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue