Darkness of child abduction business continued Here are the "Villains" who killed the Hague Convention|Yoshiko Ikeda

Darkness of child abduction business continued Here are the "Villains" who killed the Hague Convention|Yoshiko Ikeda

Second Special Scoop:Why Japan has become known as the child abduction nation. So-called human rights lawyers and other proponents solicit parental child abduction and have been pulling the strings behind the scenes of this issue. their methods to neutralise the Hague Convention are uncovered in this edition.

Vague shadow of Soka Gakkai

Soka Gakkai (a Japanese religious group) Three color flag

Why does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so cherish lawyer Shibaike who teaches parents how to abduct children? His background is thought to be the answer. Reading an article in the May issue in 2015 of a journal called "The Third Civilization” (the official journal of Soka Gakkai) Shibaike gave a lecture on SOKA Global Action at a symposium hosted by the Student Department of the Soka Gakkai. People who are not Soka Gakkai members are able to give lectures at symposiums hosted by the Student Department of Soka Gakkai. Thus we cannot conclude that he is a member. However, it can be said for certain that Shibaike, the Komeito party and Soka Gakkai have a fairly close relationship.

The Komeito party and Soka Gakkai are also very close to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For example, in the above Komei Shimbun, Hijikata, member of the NPO All Japan Women's Shelter Network said, “Diet member Yamamoto (Kanae), Oguchi (Yoshinori) and other member of Komeito party took care of us the most cordially and introduced the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs many times."

That reminds me of a lecture text. According to the lecture text, in 1970 's, Soka Gakkai set forth “Total Revolution,” which meant that Soka Gakkai would lead every society by planting its members in mainstays of national power such as bureaucracy and legal circles. In particular, its emphasis is on the profession of legal circles and diplomats. In order to pass the national examinations, its Student Department launched a study group circle, such as "Legal Study Committee." At the same time, it set up organizations called Shizen Tomo No Kai (Natural Friends Association) and Kyokujitu Group (Rising Sun Group) to support the members who passed the bar exam and an organization called Ootori Kai (Giant Fenix Association) to support the members who passed the diplomatic service examinations.

No more serious human rights violations

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モンゴルで起きている現実は明日の日本でも起こる。中国による人権弾圧を20年以上にわたって訴え続けてきた南モンゴル人権情報センターの代表が7年ぶりに緊急来日。今モンゴルで何が起きているのか? 南モンゴルを支援する議員連盟幹事長の山田宏参議院議員と緊急対談を行った。



朝日をはじめとするマスコミの常軌を逸した森喜朗氏への“集団リンチ”。 朝日の手の内を知り尽くした筆者が、その裏に隠された真の目的を暴く!









『目に見えぬ侵略』『見えない手』の入門書と言える『副読本』を発売! 二冊の大著から奥山真司氏監修のもとエッセンスを抜き出し、見開き40項目だけでシンプルに解説しています。その中から三項目を特別公開。今回は二つ目「人権」問題について。







大人気連載「なべやかん遺産」がシン・シリーズ突入! 芸能界屈指のコレクターであり、都市伝説、オカルト、スピリチュアルな話題大好きな芸人・なべやかんが蒐集した選りすぐりの「怪」な話を紹介!




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