The identity of an organization dealing with the Korean comfort women issue |Tetsuhide Yamaoka

The identity of an organization dealing with the Korean comfort women issue |Tetsuhide Yamaoka

The shameful identity of "the Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan"is now revealing itself through the disgraceful infighting between Ms. Lee Yong-soo, a self-proclaimed former comfort woman, and Ms. Yoon Mi-hyang, the former representative of the Council.

Once again in this instance, it draws attention again to how this organization was established.

The late Ms. Lee Woo-Jung, the chairperson of the Korean Church Women United, visited Japan in August, 1987, when the World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs was held in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Reportedly, she had a secret meeting with Ms. SHIMIZU Sumiko, from the Japan Socialist Party, on a ship in Nagasaki Bay, escaping the surveillance of the KCIA ( Korean Central Intelligence Agency).

In the meeting, Ms. Lee and Ms. Shimizu pledged to make efforts to create solidarity of the three organizations – the Korean Church Women United (led by Ms. Lee herself, which this organization was later founded on), the Women's Department of the Japan Socialist Party, and the Democratic Front for the Reunification of Korea (an affiliate of the North Korean United Front Department).

Following that, in November, 1990, this organization "the Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan" was established in South Korea. In May, 1991, the first symposium of "Peace in Asia and women's role," organized by the Japan Women's Council, an affiliate of the Japan Socialist Party, was held in Tokyo. Reportedly, Ms. Lyeo Yeon-gu, the chairperson of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of Korea (North Korean side), Ms. Yoon Jeong-ok and Ms. Lee hyo-jae, the then joint representatives of this organization (South Korean side), joined forces there and agreed to collaborate on joint North-South struggles.

It should be curiously noted that these North and South Korean organizations agreed to cooperate on joint struggles in a third country, Japan, through the mediation of the Japan Socialist Party.

The Japan Socialist Party was said to be deeply involved in expanding the comfort women issue. The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan was, from the very beginning, also an integral part of the North Korean agency (the United Front Department).

If so, it is no wonder this organization has worked so determinedly to damage the Japan-South Korea relationship, not resolving but worsening the comfort women issue, until it became no longer solvable.

It has been working for the benefit of North Korea.

It is also no wonder that their activities had been heightened under the current Moon Jae-in administration.

The Moon administration, which believes in the ethnic legitimacy of North Korea, is a pro-North extreme left revolutionary administration. So it is on very good terms with this organization, and this is why Ms. Yoon Mi-hyang was able to become a member of the National Assembly for the ruling party.

This clearly exposes the truth surrounding the comfort women issue. This organization (the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan) is nothing but a disgraceful mob of unscrupulous activists whose main activities were to line their own pockets and irrevocably damage the Japan-South Korea relationship. Sadly these former comfort women and self-proclaimed former comfort women were merely used as political tools to this end.

On this occasion, how much money Ms. Yoon Mi-hyang earned in the comfort woman statue business should also be examined closely.

For decades now, so many people have wasted so much time, money and taxes in these efforts to try and resolve this comfort women issue, not to mention the many Japanese living overseas who had been unfairly harassed because of this issue.

Japan should no longer be involved in the comfort women issue. Those comfort woman statues erected all over the world are the symbols of deception and they should all be removed.

※Translated by Masaaki Shimizu

日本語版はこちら(Japanese version)


山岡鉄秀(Tetsuhide Yamaoka)






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