The Untold Story Behind the Impeachment of South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol| Kang Yong-suk

The Untold Story Behind the Impeachment of South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol| Kang Yong-suk

A popular lawyer who is a classmate of Yoon Suk-yeol at the Judicial Research and Training Institute and boasts 1 million followers on YouTube, revealed the full details of the "presidential impeachment trial" in an exclusive interview.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no end in sight to the Constitutional Court’s erratic behavior. It is openly flouting its own guidelines and eroding legal coherence.

Article 32 of the Constitutional Court Act explicitly prohibits the court from requesting records from investigative institutions related to the same trial or investigation. Yet, the Constitutional Court has disregarded this provision, obtaining documents from the prosecutor’s office, the police, and the Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials. What’s more, despite witness testimony at the Constitutional Court contradicting their previous statements to the prosecution, the Court has chosen to accept the prosecution’s indictments as evidence. This runs counter to fundamental legal principles, where court testimony holds greater weight than prosecutorial statements. The Court, however, appears to place more trust in the prosecution’s narrative.

Article 40 of the Constitutional Court Act stipulates that the Code of Criminal Procedure shall apply to impeachment trials in the absence of special provisions. But the Constitutional Court has likewise disregarded even the most basic procedural norms by unilaterally setting trial dates and procedures without adhering to established protocols. When Yoon's defense team filed an objection motion, citing these procedural violations, the Constitutional Court dismissed it without providing a clear explanation.

Compared to the impeachment trial of former President Park Geun-hye, the proceedings against President Yoon have been highly partisan and rushed. The Constitutional Court has only called nine of the 34 witnesses Yoon's defense team requested, and the court now appears on track to deliver a verdict by early March—much faster than the late March-early April timeline many legal experts had initially predicted. In contrast, Park Geun-hye's impeachment trial lasted 91 days, spanning 17 sessions before reaching a decision.

The Constitutional Court's arbitrary prioritization of certain cases has sparked yet another controversy. On February 3, the court was set to rule on the constitutionality of Acting President Choi Sang-mok's decision not to nominate Ma Eun-hyuk as a Constitutional Court justice. Yet just two hours before the ruling was due, the court abruptly postponed the decision after harsh criticism from the ruling party and the conservative voters.


韓国でも報じられない「尹錫悦大統領弾劾裁判」の真実 | 康容碩

韓国でも報じられない「尹錫悦大統領弾劾裁判」の真実 | 康容碩




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押し寄せるグローバリズムがなぜ脅威なのか? それは繰り返し述べているとおり、極めて覇権主義的、独裁主義的性格を持っているからだ。そんなグローバリズムの脅威に対抗できるのは、健全な愛国心に基づく国際的連携だ。


The Untold Story Behind the Impeachment of South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol| Kang Yong-suk

The Untold Story Behind the Impeachment of South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol| Kang Yong-suk

A popular lawyer who is a classmate of Yoon Suk-yeol at the Judicial Research and Training Institute and boasts 1 million followers on YouTube, revealed the full details of the "presidential impeachment trial" in an exclusive interview.

韓国で「尹大統領支持」急増の理由 | 柳錫春・閔庚旭

韓国で「尹大統領支持」急増の理由 | 柳錫春・閔庚旭

弾劾無効と不正選挙の徹底検証を訴える声が韓国社会に大きなうねりを巻き起こしている。いま韓国で何が起きているのか? 韓国の外交・安保に生じた空白は今後、日韓関係にどのような影響を及ぼすのか? 韓国政治に精通する柳錫春元延世大学教授と、公明選挙大韓党の閔庚旭代表が緊急独占対談で語り合った。

【緊急寄稿】フジテレビ問題 誰も書かないもう一つの闇|平井宏治【2025年4月号】

【緊急寄稿】フジテレビ問題 誰も書かないもう一つの闇|平井宏治【2025年4月号】

月刊Hanada2025年4月号に掲載の『【緊急寄稿】フジテレビ問題 誰も書かないもう一つの闇|平井宏治【2025年4月号】』の内容をAIを使って要約・紹介。

韓国でも報じられない「尹錫悦大統領弾劾裁判」の真実 | 康容碩

韓国でも報じられない「尹錫悦大統領弾劾裁判」の真実 | 康容碩



