Comfort-woman grandma, your stories weren't made-up, were they?|Tetsuhide Yamaoka

Comfort-woman grandma, your stories weren't made-up, were they?|Tetsuhide Yamaoka

The stories Ms. Lee Yong-soo told all these years, as a former comfort woman, were all fake? If they confess that their stories were all fake, then the world will honor their courage. And then the comfort women issue will be irreversibly resolved at last.

Fake vs Fake? Battle without righteousness

In the S. Korean general election this April 15th, the former representative of "the Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan," Yoon Mi-hyang, was elected as a proportional representation candidate of a satellite party of the ruling "Democratic Party of Korea," "Together Citizens' Party."

The Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan was a well-known organization which was aggressively working on erecting comfort woman statues all over the world. Reportedly, this organization was merged into another organization and began anew its activities. That organization was "the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan," which was established, against the 2015 Japan-S. Korea comfort women agreement, to lead a welfare project for the former comfort women in its own way.

Before the general election, it came to light that former representative Yoon Mi-hyang had tried to get Seoul city's support funds doubly by applying for it as a representative of the two organizations. I expected that scandal would make her give up running for the election. Nevertheless, she won the election. I was afraid that her winning would make her anti-Japan activities more aggressive.

Then a surprising thing happened. A former comfort woman, Ms. Lee Yong-soo, 91, began accusing the former representative Yoon Mi-hyang.

Ms. Lee Yong-soo is a very famous former comfort woman, who has made outstanding performances all over the world as a prima donna of the Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan. In November 2017, when President Trump visited South Korea, she was invited to the state banquet. She hugged President Trump, which was a very impressive scene. I wonder what in the world made her begin accusing her former representative Yoon Mi-hyang.

I was not a victim, but one of my friends was

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【読書亡羊】「K兵器」こと韓国製武器はなぜ売れるのか 伊藤弘太郎『韓国の国防政策』(勁草書房)

【読書亡羊】「K兵器」こと韓国製武器はなぜ売れるのか 伊藤弘太郎『韓国の国防政策』(勁草書房)


















全米「反イスラエルデモ」の真実―トランプ、動く! 【ほぼトラ通信3】|石井陽子

全米「反イスラエルデモ」の真実―トランプ、動く! 【ほぼトラ通信3】|石井陽子




芸人にして、日本屈指のコレクターでもある、なべやかん。 そのマニアックなコレクションを紹介する月刊『Hanada』の好評連載「なべやかん遺産」がますますパワーアップして「Hanadaプラス」にお引越し! 今回は「薄っぺらい記事」!


